Muscat Wine Delivery in Los Angeles - Juicefly
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What Is Muscat Wine?

Moscato is a sweet Italian wine that comes from Muscat grapes. This type of white wine has a low alcohol content and a small amount of fizz. Moscato has a lower alcohol content than some other white wines, with an average of 5-7% ABV. This type of wine usually tastes like sweet fruit such as pineapple, mandarin orange, and peach.

Can You Pair Muscat With Breakfast Foods?

You've heard of mimosas at breakfast, but what about wine? If champagne before noon is acceptable, then why shouldn't wine be? We're not telling you to polish a bottle of wine off for breakfast (but hey - who are we to stop you) but pairing breakfast food and a glass of wine isn't such a crazy idea. In fact, there are some pretty delicious breakfast wine combos out there. Sit back, pop open a bottle of wine, and let's dive into some breakfast wine options.

Delicious blueberry pancakes pair excellent with a sweet, bubbly wine like Moscato. There's nothing like waking up to the smell of fresh pancakes and Moscato is the perfect accompaniment to such a delightful breakfast. A sweet, fizzy glass of Moscato will compliment each bite.

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