Can You Bring Vapes on a Plane? - Juicefly
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Can You Bring Vapes on a Plane?

Can You Bring Vapes on a Plane?

Vapes on a Plane! Tips and Tricks for How Can You Bring Vapes on a Plane Safely

Are you ready to take flight? Packing for a trip can be stressful, making sure that you have all of your essentials– toothbrush, clean underwear, medications, but what about your vape?

Vaping regulations can vary, so it's important to know how to bring your vape on a plane before you head to the airport. We’ve gathered the best vaping travel tips and tricks for bringing your vape with you everywhere! 

Can You Take a Disposable Vape in Your Carry-On Bag?

Yes, according to the TSA disposable vapes can be brought on the plane in carry-on only. Disposable vapes shouldn’t be in checked luggage because they contain lithium batteries, which are a fire hazard in the cargo hold.

What Happens if You Put a Vape in Your Checked Luggage?

If you leave your vape in your checked luggage you run the risk of having it confiscated by the TSA, and it won’t easily get it back. Vapes contain lithium batteries that pose a fire risk in the cargo carrier of the airplane, so they are not allowed in checked luggage. 

How Many Disposable Vapes Can You Take on a Plane?

How many disposable vapes you can bring in your carry-on varies according to aircraft carrier policy, but is usually around 15. Before you fly, double-check your airline policies on vaping. 

How Do You Pack Your Vape for Air Travel?

Here are some tips for traveling with a vape:

  • Before packing, power the vape down completely to prevent it from going off mid-flight

  • Separate the cartridge from the battery component

  • Pack battery components in your carry-on, not checked luggage. Juice or cartridges can go in checked luggage 

Worried about flying with disposable vapes? Check out Juicyfly’s vape selection. From disposables to cartridges, we have everything you need to keep your flight smooth. 

How to Bring Your Vape Juice on a Plane?

The first step to bring your vape on a plane is to power it off completely, separating the cartridge from the battery to ensure no accidental triggering. Be sure to pack your vape in a carry-on, not checked luggage. Of course, all airline policies on vaping forbid vaping on the plane itself, including in the aircraft bathroom. 

What Are The Best Vapes for Travel?

The best vapes for air travel can all be found at Juicefly! From sleek, convenient disposable vapes perfect for travel to accessories and kits, Juicefly has everything you need to enjoy traveling without giving up your vape!

Can You Bring E-liquid on a Plane?

Yes! According to the TSA website, you can bring E-liquid on a plane as long as it does not exceed 3.4 0z or 100 ml.

Always Learn the Local Vaping Laws Before You Travel

Before taking your vape on a plane be sure to check any local vaping laws for where you are traveling. Vaping regulations vary, especially if you plan on vaping cannabis which is illegal in many parts of the USA and the world. 


Can You Bring a Vape on a Plane Under 21?

The laws on tobacco are a little hazy, with some states requiring that customers be 21 to purchase vape products while others allow 18-year-olds to buy them. However, unless you are breaking the rules by vaping somewhere you shouldn't or otherwise being obnoxious, someone under 21 shouldn’t have an issue bringing a vape on their carry-on luggage. 

Can You Charge Your Vape on a Plane?

No. The reason for this is the same reason that vapes must be in carry-on and not checked luggage– the lithium battery presents a fire hazard. So wait to charge your vape. 

Can You Vape on a Plane?

No. Tobacco products of any kind, including vapes, were banned from aircrafts in 1988. Ignoring this rule is considered a federal violation. 

Can You Vape at the Airport?

Yes– you can vape at the airport as long as you use designated “smoking” areas. Usually, these are outside. 

Can You Use Nicotine Pouches on a Plane?

Yes. Since these products are tobacco-less and smokeless, they are a great alternative to vaping while on the aircraft. 

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